
HargatePrimary SchoolDeaf Provision and Social Emotional and Mental Health Provision.


Hargate Primary SchoolDeaf Provision and Social Emotional and Mental Health Provision.


The aims of reading at Hargate Primary School

  • That all children will become readers.

  • To reinforce that books have meaning and reading for meaning is our top priority.

  • That children become independent readers who choose to read for many different purposes throughout their lives.


How is reading taught?

Children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 are taught phonics in RML (Ruth Miskin Literacy) lessons. Children are taught letter sounds (speed sounds) and how to blend letter sounds to read words. They practise their blending skills by reading RML phonic books. An important part of lessons is discussing the books and particularly learning new vocabulary. Children also practise applying their phonic skills to spelling and writing activities. Children are grouped by reading ability for these lessons.

Guided reading
In Key Stage 1 children work in small groups of similar ability to read a story or non fiction text with a teacher. Children are taught how to gain meaning from the text through discussion and questioning. They may work on describing characters, settings or events and predicting what might happen next. Children will also be taught how to read punctuation and discuss vocabulary.

In Key Stage 2 children read a class novel. Children work with a teacher to analyse this text in detail focussing on developing their understanding of how the writer uses language, layout, inference etc for the purpose of impact on the reader.

Home reading
Children in Nursery take home a book for parents to read to them. In Reception, Key Stage 1 and 2 children choose a fiction or non-fiction book at their reading level to read at home. Parents are asked to complete a reading record when they have read with their children at home. 

Reading support
Children who need support with reading may have additional one to one reading lessons with a specially trained reading teacher (Reading Recovery) or a learning support practitioner (Boost Reading Potential –BRP)



Reading for pleasure

Why reading is so important:

“There can be few things as powerful as regularly reading to a young child. It has astonishing benefits for children: comfort and reassurance, confidence and security, relaxation, happiness and fun. Giving a child time and full attention when reading them a story tells them they matter. It builds self-esteem, vocabulary, feeds imagination and even improves their sleeping patterns.”   The National Literacy Trust


Love of Reading

At Hargate Primary School we want to encourage a lifelong love of reading.


There are many ways in which we encourage a love of reading.

  • Children have a weekly home reader book to take home and read both independently and with their families.

  • Children have free choice to pick a reading book our school library.

  • We have a shared class book which is read in class each day.

  • We have daily reading  sessions for all children in all year groups.

  • Children have termly visits to West Bromwich Library where they get to choose a book to take back to school.

  • We celebrate World Book Day each year with a theme.

  • We hold Book Fairs.

  • We have exciting authors visit school to read and work with our children.


Useful links and websites to visit to help support your child with their reading:

Suggested books for your child:

Peter's website is bursting with recommendations for age-appropriate books your child will love. 

100 recommended reads for Reception

100 recommended reads for Year 1

100 recommended reads for Year 2

100 recommended reads for Year 3

100 recommended reads for Year 4

100 recommended reads for Year 5

100 recommended reads for Year 6


The Reader Teacher


A great resource for finding books similar to the type of books you enjoy Click here to see them.



Stories to listen to online

Click on the links below to choose your story



