Little Gaters is a Pre-school provision at Hargate Primary School. We have been Ofsted Registered since October 2014. Our aim at Little Gaters is to provide a safe nurturing environment where your child can develop and learn through play and exciting activities. Our highly skilled staff will work with you and your child to ensure they reach their full potential. To help us achieve this we will work in partnership with Children's centres, Sandwell Early Years Team and Ofsted.
We are registered providers for 16 children in each session - either Mornings (8:40am-11:40am)or Afternoons (12:30pm-3:30pm). We are open Monday to Friday term time only. Our ratios are 1:4 for 2 year olds, 1:8 for 3 year olds, this is compliant with national regulations. In addition, for those children with significant additional needs, further support is provided.
Little Gaters is part of the school's focus provision for deaf children. We provide support for deaf children and their families through; individual learning programs, access to teachers of the deaf, other specialist staff, an individual communication approach for the child, dedicated speech and language and assistive technology for deaf Children. Further information is available on our website.
The building is all on one level, we have indoor and outdoor learning environments which are stimulating, inviting and encourage the children to explore and develop. The building is fully compliant with national regulations.
Children can attend Little Gaters if they are entitled to 15 hours free childcare education, dependent upon parental circumstances / benefits. This is determined by the local authority and all applications must be processed via the Family Support Team. Please click the link below for an application form.
We can offer 30 hour free childcare to those parents/carers who may be eligible. Please see the link below to see if you can get it.
For any further information please contact the school office.